免费八字在线排盘 八字命盘查询 在线免费批八字优质

28次浏览 | 2024-07-12 08:10:57 更新
来源 :互联网


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1. **准备信息**:首先,需要准备个人的出生年月日时,这是进行八字排盘的基础信息。

2. **查找天干地支**:根据出生的年、月、日、时,查找对应的天干和地支。这可以通过历书或在线工具来查询。

3. **排列四柱**:将查到的天干地支按照年柱、月柱、日柱、时柱的顺序排列起来。例如,一个人出生在阳历年的甲子年、阴历的乙卯月、丙午日、丁酉时,那么他的四柱就是甲子、乙卯、丙午、丁酉。

4. **分析五行生克**:根据四柱中的天干地支,分析五行(金、木、水、火、土)之间的相生相克关系,以及五行对个人性格和命运的影响。

5. **考察十神**:根据四柱中的天干地支,确定十神(比肩、劫财、食神、伤官、偏财、正财、七杀、正官、偏印、正印)的位置,进一步分析个人的性格和命运。

6. **综合分析**:结合五行、十神、以及其他命理因素(如流年、大运等),进行综合分析,得出个人的性格特点、命运走向、健康状况、婚姻状况、事业财运等方面的预测。




Jiang Yuan said, "Perhaps Thursday can no longer be considered a primetime slot in the traditional sense, but the Thursday evening variety slot still has a very large market and the audience base is still there."

Zhang Ye understood this. Central TV was just like a large ship with treasures, but that would naturally mean that they would not give a newcomer like Zhang Ye a share of it without seeing his performance. It was unlikely that they would give the Friday and weekend time-slots to him as that would be too much of a risk. However, a Thursday evening slot was still considerably good. After all, this was not some small-time television station but Central TV they were talking about. A Thursday evening slot would still be better than a weekend primetime slot at Beijing Television, so Zhang Ye would surely still be very satisfied with such an offer.

Jiang Yuan looked at him and said, "I believe you can see our sincerity in this offer. If you have any thoughts or requests, you can bring them up too and we can discuss them."

Zhang Ye nodded and said, "I do actually have two requests. The first is: if I join Central TV Department 1, then for this new program, I must be the executive director and have the final say on the operations and production of the entire program."

Jiang Yuan ruminated for a moment then said, "That would be fine, but we would want to have an executive producer from our side. Is that OK?"

"That shouldn't be a problem." Zhang Ye then brought up his second request, saying, "Second, I must be able to retain the copyright for the program that I create, including its name and format."

Jiang Yuan gave him a look and asked, "Why do you want the copyright? If the program's viewer ratings are good, then the program team would get bonus payouts too. We will put that into the contract, so how much are you looking at? Or perhaps we could bundle it together with your salary, that's fine too."

However, Zhang Ye said, "I don't require a bonus payout clause. It's just like a program production company selling their programs to a television station. I'm sure you can understand that I want our deal to be done in this manner too, except that I will be using Central TV's resources and facilities to do the program, which is why I am willing to give this program to your station free of charge and not ask for a copyright fee. We will carry out the other aspects of the program like any other program without any additional differences in the handling, but the copyright must remain in my control. If there is a decision to do a second or third season, or if a foreign television station wants to buy its copyrights, then I will be the one to decide whether to sell or not."

Jiang Yuan was rendered quite speechless by this, so he said, "This is the first time I've heard of such a request."

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "This is always how I've been doing my programs. Since I planned the program, then naturally the copyright would belong to me. This is the most important priority for me, above other things like salary, bonus, whatever. As long as those aren't too little, I'm generally fine with it. Since I retain control of the copyright, I know that I will have to take a step back on the salary."

His programs were all very precious to him, as using one now would mean one less resource for him in the future. Zhang Ye would not accept it if he worked hard on replicating a successful program from his previous world and brought it to this world, and ended up being kicked off from the television station after they had gotten the copyrights to the format and went on to do the next few seasons without him. So he knew that he had to be clear about this from the beginning like he did with his Zhang Ye's Talk Show which worked on a similar contractual agreement. This was the reason why Weiwo Online Television Station did not get another host to continue working on the same show as that was impossible without the copyright. This was a program that only Zhang Ye could use, unless they bought it from him for a sum of money or if Zhang Ye allowed them to use it for free on the basis of friendship and past relationships.

As for Lecture Room, that was an exception since the program was first proposed by the people at BTV-Arts Channel. Zhang Ye had only used their framework and modified it a little, so there was no talk of any copyright beforehand and neither could he talk about it. That was why BTV-Arts Channel had still continued making Lecture Room even though the show was essentially already a dead one.

Jiang Yuan said, "Please give it some consideration again. Our Central TV Department 1 has never signed this sort of a contract with a host before. It's impossible that the copyright would given to anyone other than the station itself."

Zhang Ye said, "Since I am the program planner, executive director, and host, this program can be considered as fully my work after it is completed, and so, the copyright should rightfully belong to me. Therefore, it's also impossible that I would give the ownership of the copyright to anyone else."

Jiang Yuan frowned and said, "But the production team is made up entirely of our staff, and besides the marketing and broadcasting fees also contribute to a part of the costs…"

"Which is why I am providing the program for free, without charging anything for the production and planning fees," Zhang Ye stated.

On this issue, the two of them had a disagreement. Jiang Yuan wanted to have a one time settlement with Zhang Ye on the program planning fees, but Zhang Ye did not want it except to retain his copyrights for the program.

Then, Jiang Yuan stood up and suggested, "How about this? Let me call my management first, since this is the first time something like this has been brought up. I'm unable to make a decision regarding this by myself."

"Sure." Zhang Ye nodded.

Jiang Yuan walked out of the coffee house.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Finally, Jiang Yuan returned, sat down, and took a sip of coffee before saying, "The management has agreed, but have some requests too. The copyright can be yours, but any profits and generated benefits that the program makes during its course at Central TV—such as advertising fees, among others—will be retained by Central TV and not paid out to you. Since we will be using our resources, facilities, and funds to promote the show, we will surely need to get some form of compensation. This would include any types of benefits that occur as a result from its run on Central TV."

Zhang Ye considered for a moment and then raised up his head to say, "That will be fine!"

Jiang Yuan also revealed a smile as he stood up, putting his hand out. "So we have a deal then?"

"Yes! It's a deal!" Zhang Ye also put out his and shook his hand.

Jiang Yuan said, "Welcome aboard Central TV Department 1! We'll all be looking forward to your contributions!"


Same day.

Central TV had quickly written up the contract.

This contract could be considered one of the most complicated ones that Central TV Department 1 had with a host before, and also one of the lesser-seen types in the industry. Within, it not only included the terms for a one year duration, planning and production responsibilities, it also included a list of the copyright and restrictions outside of the copyright, etc!

It was not that Zhang Ye wanted to be arrogant.

But it was better to be clear now than having disagreements later.

After all, Zhang Ye had been through quite a lot of troublesome situations in the past, so he felt that it was better to be blunt upfront to prevent unnecessary issues in the future.

After Zhang Ye went through the contract several times to check for any discrepancies, he finally put pen to paper and signed it!

—At the moment of signing, Zhang Ye had now officially joined Central TV Department 1!

[1. BUG: A Chinese slang for being overpowered]

[2. %27s_Gala#Reception]

630 Return of the Jinx!

Later that afternoon.

Zhang Ye was waiting at Nanxinhua Avenue for Chenchen to out of school.

On the internet, a picture of Zhang Ye and Jiang Yuan—taken in the morning at the coffee house where the two of them had their meeting and were seen shaking hands—was leaked. Almost immediately, it caught people's attention.

Several social media news blogs started to report about it as others picked up the news and reported a constant stream of updates.

"Secret meeting between Central TV Department 1's Deputy Director and Zhang Ye?"

"Zhang Ye to join Central TV?"

"Shocking! Central TV Department 1's ruthless move: joining hands with Zhang Ye!"

"Central TV's 'big move'. Is Zhang Ye going to join?"

Central TV, being the big brother of all domestic television stations, operated in a way that was traditional in style.

Zhang Ye was an oddity of the entertainment industry whose style did not abide by the rules.

This cooperation between the two who vastly differed in styles, akin to heaven and earth, had obviously left many citizens unable to imagine it, so when the photo and speculation of rumors came out, it immediately caught countless people by surprise.

"It can't be?"


发布于 2024-07-12 08:10:57
上一篇:八字算命免费:姓名测试打分生辰八字算命 下一篇:免费算命网婚姻


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